From Moments to Memories Photo Book

Mockup of the photobook I created in 2023. The image displays multiple spreads of the book.
Mockup of a spread found in the personal photo book I created. The right image is of converse and the left is of a purple and pink sunset.

Complete Photo Book Creation, from Photography to Layout Design

From Moments to Memories is a complete and printed photobook I created in 2022. From photography, to editing, and the full layout design, this project was done with much passion.

The book opens with the following statement, which encapsulates the entirety of the book’s purpose.

Every day, we are surrounded by people, moments, and simple interactions we often perceive to be mundane. Through this book, I hope to convey an appreciation for the little things. Friendships, nature, walks, sunsets, and deep breaths; remember that every moment will soon be a memory. This book is but a glimpse into mine, over the year of 2022.